HnExpl: Alabama’s Characteristics

  • UH 120
  • Teacher: Susan Hamill
  • Term: spring 2020
  • Credits: 2

This course is about the state of Alabama. Students read and discuss materials covering Alabama’s history, important public policy issues and culture. After the class finishes discussing each of these three topics, students write a 3-5 page double-spaced paper engaging the readings for and discussions of each topic and have a mandatory half-hour private conference with the professor after she returns each of the papers. Students write a 10-15 page double-spaced final paper engaging all the readings, including the last topic covering Alabama’s failed efforts to achieve progressive change. No outside research is permitted for these papers and there are no tests. Due to the importance of class discussion and the once-a-week for two hours meeting schedule, students are permitted only one unexcused absence without grade penalty. The professor will excuse absences for illness as well as family and other (including pet) emergencies.