Inaugural Honors Transdisciplinary Course Design Fellows Named

The University of Alabama Honors College and University Honors Program are pleased to announce that 11 fellows have been selected for the Honors Transdisciplinary Course Design Fellowship. Each fellow receives a $5,000 summer stipend to develop their course.

“The Honors College Honors Transdisciplinary Pedagogy Summer Course Design Fellowship is designed to cultivate an environment of interdisciplinary exploration and innovation among our esteemed faculty,” said Dr. Tiffany Sippial, Dean of the Honors College. “I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the inaugural class of 11 fellows who have embraced this vision. Their dedication to crafting courses that transcend conventional boundaries promises to enrich the academic landscape and inspire students in profound and unprecedented ways.”

Fellows will meet online during the month of June, workshop syllabi in July, and make final submissions in August. Approved courses will then be taught as University Honors (UH) seminars the following two years.

This year’s class represents a diverse disciplinary cohort, with fellows from five colleges and ten departments and courses employing a distinct set of disciplinary perspectives to offer UHP students exciting and rewarding intellectual, ethical and community-based experiences.


Lawrence Cappello, PhD, Associate Professor, A&S-History

Amanda Espy-Brown, PhD, Senior Instructor, A&S-New College

Gayle Faught, PhD, Assistant Professor, A&S-Psychology

Connar Franklin, EdD, Instructor, Early College-OTIDE

Jolene Hubbs, PhD, Professor, A&S-American Studies

Amy McLean, MSW, Instructor, Social Work-Social Work

Gina Stamm, PhD, Associate Professor, A&S-Modern Languages and Classics

Matt Valasik, PhD, Associate Professor, A&S-Criminology and Criminal Justice

Matt VanDyke, PhD, Associate Professor, C&IS-Advertising and Public Relations

Crystal Veronie, PhD, Instructor, A&S-English

Yuliya Zabyelina, PhD, Associate Professor, A&S-Criminology and Criminal Justice

About The University of Alabama Honors College: The University of Alabama Honors College is dedicated to fostering a diverse community of scholars, committed to nurturing high-performing and high-potential students who, through critical and creative thinking, ethical citizenship, and collaborative leadership, become engaged and inclusive leaders within their chosen fields and beyond, while actively promoting values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

For more information about the Honors Transdisciplinary Course Design Fellowship and other initiatives, please visit The University of Alabama Honors College website at