A group of alumni with Dr. Tiffany Sippial.

Ways to Give

Ways to Give

There are many ways to support the Honors College.

You can make a gift online at any time through the University’s online giving page. You can also support the college by giving annually or through establishing an endowment or estate gift.

The impact your giving has on the lives of our students and faculty is tremendous and greatly appreciated. Thank you for supporting the Honors College and for being part of our transformative work!

Annual Gifts

Annual gifts to the Honors College Collegiate Fund support the education of our students. Gifts to the fund help ensure that the Honors College traditions of excellence and opportunity continue for years to come. The Collegiate Fund provides scholarships to students, travel and teaching grants for faculty and funding to departments for special equipment, technology, guest lecturers and more.

For more information about annual giving, contact Nancy Norwood at nsnorwood1@ua.edu or 205-348-5557. You may also make a gift to the Honors College Collegiate Fund now or use our QR Code below.

A QR code to donate to the Honors College.

Endowed Gifts

An endowment in the Honors College is a gift that is intended to permanently support a college program. The endowment fund remains intact in perpetuity, while its earnings support students, faculty and programs designated by the donor.

Endowments allow the Honors College to create and maintain excellence in academics beyond what can be accomplished with funding from the state. Endowments provide the funds for scholarships, fellowships, professorships, academic chairs and programs that serve as crucial elements in student and faculty recruitment and retention.

A minimum of $25,000 is required to establish an endowment. However, an endowed gift may be pledged over a period of five years. Endowments can be established with cash gifts, securities or liquidated property. They may also be funded through a bequest or other deferred gift or through a combination of lifetime and deferred gifts.

For more information about endowments, contact Neely Portera at nportera@ua.edu or 205-348-8041.

Estate Gifts

To learn more about how you can leave your legacy through a planned gift, contact Neely Portera at nportera@ua.edu or 205-348-8041.

Meeting with Us

If you’d like to meet with us, contact Neely Portera at nportera@ua.edu or 205-348-8041.

A headshot of Neely Portera.
Neely Portera