A student studies with headphones and a laptop, her hand on an open book.

Honors FAQ

Here you will find questions and answers pertaining to Honors. Please select a link to view that category of questions.

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Honors FAQ

FAQ Categories

General Questions

I expect that Honors classes might be more demanding. If I'm trying to maintain a competitive GPA for entrance into my future graduate or professional career, should I take an Honors class?

Generally, our students say that Honors classes are not necessarily more difficult, but more engaging and emphasize student-motivated learning. We encourage students to take departmental honors courses in their areas of strength. At the same time, taking Honors courses can demonstrate an eagerness and initiative that is impressive to graduate and professional schools.

Why should I join the Honors College? What are the benefits?

The Honors College works together with the academic colleges to provide an environment where students can find their place, become engaged and ultimately leave their mark at UA and the greater community. The Honors College is home to an engaged and diverse community of transdisciplinary scholars, transcending the boundaries of disciplinary perspectives for a holistic approach to solving the very complex issues we face today and will face tomorrow. Through the Honors College, students will have access to smaller and unique class options, a dedicated Honors residential community, 10 signature and thematic programs, faculty-led study abroad experiences, Honors College scholarships for current UA students and dedicated Honors College faculty, staff and advisors.

How do I choose a major in the Honors College?

There are no majors housed within the Honors College. Think of the Honors College as a supplemental enhancement to your educational experience. In fact, our students represent almost every major on campus, from engineering to fashion design.

How do I complete the graduation requirements of the Honors College?

All Honors College students must maintain a 3.5* UA GPA to graduate with the Honors College designation. Your transcript will indicate an Honors College designation upon successful completion of the Honors College requirements, which includes at least 18 hours of Honors courses. You will also receive an Honors cord and an Honors certificate of completion in addition to your diploma.

* Students with a 2019 catalog year or earlier must maintain a 3.3 overall GPA. 3.5 UA GPA for students on a 2020 catalog year forward.

What are the steps to studying abroad?

For education abroad opportunities led by faculty members in the Honors College, visit the Honors Study Abroad page. For additional education abroad opportunities outside of the Honors College, visit the Education Abroad Office.

When can I register for classes?

Incoming first-year and transfer students will register at their Bama Bound orientation session. Current UA students will register according to the registration dates and times published by the Office of the University Registrar. Summer and fall registration usually opens in March while spring registration normally opens in October.

What is Honors College Assembly (HCA) and how do I join?

As a member of The University of Alabama Honors College, you are a member of our Assembly. The Honors College Assembly provides numerous opportunities for students to participate in the non-academic programming of the Honors College. See the HCA webpage.

Academics Questions

Are Honors Courses weighted differently in terms of GPA?

No. Honors College courses factor into a student’s GPA as would any non-Honors course. For more information about GPAs, please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog.

My department lists some classes as “Honors.” What does that mean?

Departmental honors courses are offered through the department and college in which the course is based (for example, the Biology Department in the College of Arts and Sciences). Departmental honors courses are on average smaller in enrollment than their non-Honors counterparts, will be limited to only Honors students and will feature top-flight faculty members. Honors students may opt to take departmental honors courses, but are not required to take the Honors sections of courses. Departmental honors courses count as Honors Elective credit.

How do I apply for Honors College graduation?

To apply for Honors College graduation consideration, a student must first complete The University of Alabama’s graduation application. The Honors College graduation application is free and may be found under the Student tab of your myBama account (within the “Honors College” block). Students may only apply for the term in which they will receive their UA degree.

Please check out the Graduation page on the University Registrar’s website for information about the UA graduation application and the Commencement website for information about the UA commencement ceremonies each semester.

When should I apply for Honors College graduation?

The Honors College graduation application is open during these timeframes:

  • Students graduating in May – January through May
  • Students graduating in August – May through August
  • Students graduating in December – August through December

Watch the Honors College newsletter and social media for detailed information and reminders about when and how to apply for Honors College graduation!

What are the qualifications for cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude? And, are these different from graduating with Honors College designation?

A student may graduate with both Latin honors and Honors College designation, but a student does NOT have to be in the Honors College in order to receive a Latin honors designation. Students do not complete an application in order to graduate with Latin honors designation. For full details about Latin honors visit the Undergraduate Catalog.

Can transfer credit count towards the Honors College requirements?

We do not accept any transfer credits towards the Honors College requirements.

How do I get permission to register for an Honors class that is closed? Or, is there a wait list option?

The Honors College does not give capacity overrides for Honors classes that are full. We do have wait lists associated with “UH” subject courses. We encourage students to diligently check the course each day to see if any open spots become available. You have until the last day of “add/drop” each semester to finalize your course schedule.

Admissions Questions

What is the deadline for applying to the Honors College?

You may apply any time after receiving admittance to The University of Alabama. However, it is recommended to apply as soon as you’ve been accepted to UA due to other deadlines for housing, etc.

For in-state students who have 28 or 29 ACT and want to apply for HC, do they upload the counselor’s letter of recommendation themselves during the application process or does their counselor email it to Honors College directly?

If a counselor will not release the letter of recommendation to students to upload, the counselor needs to email it directly to honors@ua.edu. If the student is able, they can upload while applying.

I’ve applied for admission to the Honors College, how long before I will be notified of my admission status?

Typically applications are evaluated every 8-10 business days. We will notify you first via your Crimson e-mail account, and you will receive a physical letter in the mail.

What are the qualifications for being admitted to the Honors College?

Entering freshmen with composite ACT scores of at least 30 or composite SAT scores of at least 1360 and at least a 3.5 high school GPA are invited to apply to the Honors College. For in-state students with a 28 ACT or SAT equivalent (or higher) they may be admitted with a counselor letter of recommendation or documentation stating that they are in the top 5% of their high school class.

Upon receipt of their Honors College freshmen applications, all National Merit Finalists are admitted automatically (but they must submit the Honors application). Students will be notified of their acceptance by e-mail.

Admission to the Achieve Scholars Program, Randall Research Scholars Program and Witt University Fellows Program is a more involved admissions process reserved for incoming freshmen.

What if I don’t meet the test score requirements? Is there a way I can apply?

Yes! We have a test-optional policy that allows you to apply if you have at least a 3.7 GPA. This requires submission of additional documents with the application. Visit our University Honors Program page to learn more about how to apply test-optionally.

What if I don’t qualify for the Honors College right now? Can I be admitted later?

Yes! Current UA students with a minimum overall 3.5 GPA and at least 12 hours of UA coursework will be accepted into the Honors College upon submission of an application. All students who apply with greater than 25 hours should touch base with an Honors College advisor prior to finalizing their admissions into the Honors College. Students will be notified of their acceptance by email.

How do I schedule a visit with the Honors College?

You can schedule an in-depth visit to the Honors College by filling out our “Schedule a Visit” request form here. With at least two weeks notice, we will arrange visits across campus that match your interests in addition to an Honors College information session.

What type of resume do I need to submit with the Honors College application?

Please submit an academic resume detailing any honors or advanced classes taken, extracurricular involvement, leadership positions, community service or other activities that you are involved in. This can be in a very basic resume format.

Do I have to be admitted to UA before applying to the Honors College?

Yes, you must be admitted to The University of Alabama before applying to the Honors College.

Does the Honors College have rolling admissions?

Yes, the Honors College has rolling admissions. If you are an enrolled UA student and meet the requirements, we encourage you to apply to the Honors College.

Are there Honors College scholarships for incoming freshmen students?

We do not currently offer any scholarships for incoming freshman through the Honors College. However, all Honors College students are eligible for merit-based scholarships through Undergraduate Admissions. The Honors College does offer scholarship opportunities for current UA students in good standing within the Honors College. For more information, please visit our Honors College Scholarships website.

Advising Questions

Am I required to take an Honors course each semester?

No. However, we strongly recommend taking at least one Honors course each semester and no more than two.

Do I have to be admitted into the Honors College to take UH-designated courses?


Help! I do not know how I can complete Honors requirements. Is there someone I can talk to in the Honors College?

To connect with one of our Honors College advisors,

  • Please use our Ask an Honors Advisor form,
  • Reach out to us via phone, 205-348-5500 or
  • Email honors@ua.edu to schedule an advising appointment.
  • We also welcome Drop-Ins. Drop-ins will be seen between scheduled appointments.

Does the Honors College do major-specific advising?

No. Advising for your major and minor will be done by an advisor in your home college.

How can I schedule an appointment with an Honors College academic advisor?

There are three options to make an appointment to see your Honors College advisor:

  • Use our Ask an Honors Advisor form,
  • Reach out to us via phone, 205-348-5500 or
  • Email honors@ua.edu to schedule an advising appointment.
    • Be sure to mention that you wish to schedule an advising appointment in your message.

Regardless of how you decide to make an appointment, you will need to provide the following information:

  • First and last name
  • CWID
  • Phone number
  • Why you are requesting an appointment
  • Your availability

Providing this information helps us prepare for our meeting. If you send an email appointment request, please allow up to two business days for a response.

What are the reasons to see an Honors advisor?

Advisors play an active role in helping students reach their personal, professional and academic goals. We help students define their goals, assist with class selection, ensure all Honors College requirements are being met and appropriate progress is being made, help interpret policies and procedures and connect you with campus resources.

Is Honors College advising mandatory?

No, Honors advising is not mandatory. However, your Honors College advisor is here to help you whenever you need it. You can make an appointment to see us each semester before class registration to talk about honors requirements or to ask us questions throughout the semester about classes, resources and ways to get plugged in to the Honors College. We are here to help all year long, so come and see us.

When should I meet with an Honors College advisor?

Honors College advisors are available to meet throughout the academic year. If you are preparing for upcoming class registration, we recommend meeting with your home college major advisor first. Then, come meet with an Honors College advisor to discuss the Honors portion of your plan of study. Be proactive in scheduling advising appointments. Honors College advisors may have less availability during peak advising and registration periods (e.g. March/April and October/November).

Where do I go for career advising?

While our advisors can provide some general professional guidance, the best resource to utilize is the Career Center. You can contact the Career Center. You can contact the Career Center by emailing career@ua.edu, calling 205-348-5848 or by stopping by their office located at 3400 Student Center.

How do I use DegreeWorks?

DegreeWorks is The University of Alabama’s degree audit system, and you will use it throughout your entire undergraduate career. The Office of the University Registrar has a page with tutorials and FAQs regarding DegreeWorks.

How to I determine my student classification?

Classification Qualification

  • Freshman: 0 – 30 hours
  • Sophomore: 31 – 60 hours
  • Junior: 61 – 90 hours
  • Senior: 91+ hours
  • Post-graduate: any student who has completed an undergraduate degree and is taking courses towards another undergraduate degree or as a non-degree seeking student.

You can check your classification by looking in Degree Works and finding your “Classification” on the left-hand side.

How do I drop a class?

You can drop a class without a grade of “W” (withdrawal) during the first week of classes.

Before dropping a class, we strongly encourage you to speak to your home college major advisor. If, after meeting with your advisor, you feel dropping a course is the best option, follow these steps:

  1. Go to myBama.
  2. Click the “Add/Drop Classes” link on the Student tab.
  3. Click on “Drop/Delete” from the dropdown menu next to the class you intend to drop.
  4. Click “Submit.”

A grade of “W” will be issued for the dropped course if dropped within the first ten (10) weeks of the semester. After the first 10 weeks, you may NOT withdraw from a course. Please contact your home college major advisor for assistance.

What does it mean to be in good standing within the Honors College?

In the Honors College, a student is considered to be in “good standing” if they maintain a UA GPA of 3.5* or higher. Students who remain in the Honors College below a 3.5* UA GPA are not considered to be in good standing and may be placed on Honors College probation and/or suspension. Students who are suspended from the Honors College will be automatically reinstated once their UA GPA reaches the 3.5 UA GPA threshold.

*Students with a 2019 catalog year or earlier must maintain a 3.3 overall GPA. 3.5 UA GPA for students on a 2020 catalog year forward.

Please be aware that The University of Alabama’s academic standing policy differs from that of the Honors College.

How do I apply for Honors College scholarships? What is the deadline for Honors College scholarship applications?

Please check out the Honors College Scholarships page of our website for the most up to date information. The Honors College Tuition Support application is due March 1 each year, and students may access this application by going to myBama > Student tab > Honors College block. Students must be in good standing within the Honors College (3.5* overall GPA or higher) in order to apply for Honors College scholarships.

*Students with a 2019 catalog year or earlier must maintain a 3.3 overall GPA. 3.5 UA GPA for students on a 2020 catalog year forward.

How do I register for an Honors class if I don’t have the prerequisite for that class?

Should you encounter any “UH” course registration issues, or if you need to request a permit for a UH course, please fill out the UH Course Permit Request form. An Honors College advisor will get back in touch with you, via your Crimson email address, within 48 hours. If you are encountering an issue with an Honors course that does not have UH in the course title (e.g., EN 103), please reach out to the department which oversees that course.

How do I withdraw from the Honors college?

If you are thinking about withdrawing from the Honors College, we encourage you to consider meeting with an Honors College advisor first.

If you are certain you want to withdraw from the Honors College, please complete the following survey.

What are the appointment times for Honors advising?

You are welcome to schedule an appointment Monday – Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.  and 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. with an Honors College advisor.

How do I make an appointment to meet with my major advisor in my home college?
Can I earn Honors credit for taking graduate level courses?

Yes! The Accelerated Master’s Program will allow you to earn graduate level credit while you are still an undergraduate, and this credit will also apply to your Honors requirements. We encourage highly motivated students who wish to pursue a Master’s degree at The University of Alabama to consider the Accelerated Master’s Program. If you would like to request to have your graduate-level coursework applied to your Honors College record, please complete the 500-Level Graduate Course Credit Request for Honors Elective Form.

Who is my Honors College academic advisor?

Lilly Honea advises all College of Arts and Science and College of Engineering Honors students.

Stephen Shol advises College of Communication & Information Sciences, College of Education, College of Human Environment Sciences, Capstone College of Nursing, Culverhouse College of Business, College of Community Health Sciences and School of Social Work Honors students.

Bama Bound Questions

Will I also get to meet with an Honors College advisor at Bama Bound?

You will meet with an advisor from the college of your home major. And, we encourage you to reach out to an Honors College advisor anytime you have questions.  We’re here to help Monday through Friday!

Will my AP/IB/CLEP credits earned count toward my Honors College requirements?

No. The Honors College does not allow AP/IB/CLEP or transfer work to count toward Honors College credit requirements.

Is there a specific Honors College session of Bama Bound?

No, there is not. The content will be the same in each Bama Bound session.

Housing Questions

If I’m in Honors, do I automatically get assigned to live in the Residential College (Honors Housing)? Do I have to live there?

Students in the Honors College live in residence halls across campus and make their selections based on location, cost, roommate choice, etc. Housing selection is based on date of housing application, so students who really wish to choose their own housing and have the most choices should apply as soon as possible, after being admitted to UA. Students who apply for housing after February 1 will be assigned by Housing and Residential Communities. For more information, visit the HRC website.

Do I have to live in Honors housing?

Living in Honors housing is an option, not a requirement.

Can I have a non-Honors roommate?

Non-Honors students are not able to live in Honors housing, nor can they be invited by Honors students.