Getting Involved
Engage Tuscaloosa is dedicated to strengthening the Tuscaloosa community through education and mentorship.
Honors College classes routinely employ experiential pedagogies. Experiential education gives students the opportunity to learn by doing.
Honors Ambassadors represent the Honors College at events on and off campus, including through personal interaction with prospective students.
Honors College Assembly serves as the student representation of the Honors College student body.
The Honors Year One program provides Honors College students the opportunity to serve as peer mentors for Honors College freshmen.
Honors Action is an exciting, week-long community engagement experience and course designed to provide Honors College freshmen with the opportunity to engage in meaningful community-based partnerships.

Supporting Academic and Career Goals
Through our innovative ePortfolio program, students embark on a transformative journey from freshman year and beyond.
From Germany to New Zealand and beyond, the adventurous scholar is welcome at Honors.
The Office of External Scholarships and Fellowships supports all students on campus in pursuit of nationally and internationally competitive external awards across all disciplines.
The Honors College is built on access to opportunities and experiential education. Undergraduate research is the cornerstone of those experiences.
Kennemer Center
The James C. Kennemer Center for Innovation and Social Impact serves as a hub for Honors students to pursue their ideas to the fullest through opportunities like the BIG Ideas contest.