Interested in applying for an award through the Office of External Scholarships and Fellowships but don’t know where to start? Follow these steps to find an opportunity and learn more about our specific award offerings and process of applying:
Explore awards
Start by browsing our website to locate which award(s) you are eligible to apply for. Each award will link to its own page outlining specific requirements such as academic GPA, year of study and discipline. Learn more about the granting foundation, past winners and campus/national deadlines. You will also find the respective campus representative who advises for each major award.
Explore the resources section on our website to learn more about the endorsement process, reaching out to recommenders, workshops and seminars, and how to use our application toolkit.
Book an advising appointment
After you’ve done the first two steps, book an advising appointment with the respective campus advisor for the award you’re interested in using the links on our website. We can answer any questions you may have and guide you towards other award opportunities and best practices for applying. If you don’t find an available appointment that works with your schedule, please email: externalscholarships@ua.edu