An aerial photo of the quad, with Denny Chimes in the bottom righthand corner.

Kennemer Center History

Kennemer Center: History

The Capstone "A" Honors College James C. Kennemer Center for Innovation and Social Impact The University of Alabama logo.


In February 2023, The University of Alabama Board of Trustees approved the establishment of the James C. Kennemer Center for Innovation and Social Impact:

  • To give students and their ideas the best opportunities to flourish;
  • To actively promote an ecosystem that fosters innovation and social impact;
  • To provide a connection hub to on-campus and other-campus programs, and to relevant foundations, corporations, investors, and local and state efforts;
  • To help students achieve the graduation outcomes they want; and
  • To give students who go out of state after graduation the experiences and connections to return to Alabama.

The Center’s First Year Efforts

The initial year includes hiring staff, obtaining or creating foundational resources, establishing initial connections and a number of other efforts to provide a solid base for fulfilling the center’s goals, and a platform for ongoing expansion and enhancement. Some specifics include the following.

The items below will be ongoing efforts. Substantive progress will be made on each of them in the first year.

Connect with others: For each of the following, survey and catalog programs, support and possible resources related to or available for innovation and social impact efforts; establish initial points of contact and connection; assure each entity’s awareness of the center and the BIG Ideas Contest:

  • Local, state, regional and federal agencies and offices
  • Local, state, regional and national foundations
  • Corporations with an Alabama footprint and relevant interests
  • Local, state and regional investment community

BIG Ideas on other campuses: Establish contact points and connections with other universities and colleges throughout the state, presenting the BIG Ideas program. Work with those who have an interest in establishing the program on their campus.