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Established in 1968
A Tradition of Excellence
The Randall Research Scholars Program was founded as the Computer-Based Honors Program (CBHP) in 1968 by Dr. Charles L. Seebeck to produce students who become leaders in application of computer techniques to various fields of knowledge. For the program’s first 50 years, CBHP remained true to these original objectives while expanding the focus of the program to meet the continuing advances in technology and the advent of the “information age.” This culminated in 2017, when the program was renamed in honor of one of our previous directors, Dr. Catherine J. Randall. The Catherine J. Randall Research Scholars Program seeks to honor the groundbreaking original program objectives while expanding the vision to encourage continued development of its student researchers as leaders in their fields. As the oldest interdisciplinary undergraduate research program in the United States, the Randall Research Scholars Program is internationally competitive. The members of our program come from all over the globe and present their research at global conferences. Moreover, our students routinely earn prestigious academic awards at the national scale.
29 Hollings Scholars
38 Goldwater Scholars
23 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships